Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Journal 101

I am Byron Cantonjos, almost four years ago I weigh 190lbs. I decided to loose weight because of my insecurities with other people who used to be “normal looking” compared to my “plus size appearance”. To be big and be called “pig” is just usual to me that's why never in my wildest dream to be physically fit and engaged myself in a healthy lifestyle because during those doomed days of mine I always thought how to pleasure myself in terms of eating. I've didn't notice that I'm getting “bigger and healthier”... and my story telling begins, being an overweight teenager.Teen – gaining days
people started to notice that I'm gaining weight when I was in the 6th grade but obcourse I didn't mind what other people observed about my physical appearance. I just love eating (a lot). When I entered High School that's the time I felt different among my classmates in terms of appearance. I am much “healthier” and the progression of being an overweight is a record to beat – from medium size clothes to large and up to extra large tees. I'm having a hard time buying “comfortable” clothes that will fit my body type. During those times, the depression and frustration is beginning to get into my nerves, in other words I literally feel "big” , people always say “mean words” that describe my looks. I can't wear clothes that I liked because there's no size fit my size. Instead of feeling bad I find ways to divert my attention, eating (much) is my solution to my worse situation.
18 years old | 190lbs | Obese
Emotion of an obese
I've heard a lot and I felt even.

Being an overweight is a challenge in such a way on how will I manage to control my emotion when people starts to “down” my personality unintentionally (they simply fund of my size). I just smile whenever I heard them teasing me but deep inside my heart i'm really hurt, so much and when i'm all alone, those words that people used to describe me retained on my mind – I feel small but i'm literally big.

It takes a lot of courage to walk in a crowd that all their eyes stairs at me. It's really hard because I know even though they will not speak, at the back of their naughty minds they say cruel words to describe “my plus size appearance”.
Journey of an obese
I cannot please people not to say “words” that might offend me but the only thing that I can do is to carry myself with an overwhelming confidence. I've tried to live a normal life, go to school, doing the usual things that a typical teenager do but there's a limitation, I can't do any form of sports that requires endurance, I get easily tired. I always portrait minor roles in school plays because of my looks – I always have the same facial expression and body movement because my big chicks covers my face and my belly always bounce whenever I move. I'm always at the back, whenever our section joins a cheer dance or speech choir competition because of the “blocking” consideration. In spite of all the things I've mentioned I always get involved to our school activities, I always forget the negative aspects and its consequences as long as I know that I will gain friends and learning experience. I always think positive.

Eating as a Hobby
I’m always “on the brighter side” I always say “I don't care” as long as I’m happy and contented to what I have and what I become. That's the main reason why I love eating, no one can stop me from eating time to time(as in). Anything that looks good to my naked eyes, I crave for it and I badly want to taste it as if every food to me seems so delicious.

Turning point
all the cravings stop when this realization embraces my thoughts. I am no longer young nor healthy to live the life I wanted to be. An adventurous lifestyle, more fun, more thrill an exciting path ahead, I should have a new outlook in this life, “no pain, no gain” and the transformation begins when I decided to loose weight.

Shape up
Since the motivation is clear to my mind, I manage to control myself from eating (a lot) more than the prescribe diet per day. I wake up early each day to run, I patiently do the routine exercises that my gym instructor whats me to accomplish every session we had. It's tough to be on the track that you are not familiar with but enable for me to achieve the “great change” I wanted, I need to sacrifice the things I used to do when I still a so called “overweight”.

Its all in the mind. Concentration … determination … endurance … resistance … courage … faith … hope … dream … normal life, “normal look”, new fit and new perspective... right track ahead of me, that's all I wanted.

New fit
after three years of determination and perspiration, I am proud with the result of all the hardship I've been through. I constantly reinvent my diet and exercise to be in good shape, those “doomed days” are gone. I hope my story will be start of that “great change in your life”. If I can make it, you can also deal with it.

“be motivated”
Milo Marathon | July 2013 | New Fit

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